Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tips Perc SPM 2012 Chemistry - SMK Kamarul Ariffin

Paper 2 & 3
1. Proton, electron, neutron
2. Isotopes
3. Emprical Formula
4. Periodic Table
5. Ionic and Covalent
6. Electrolysis - factors, voltage
7. Acid Bases - pH, standard solution
8. Soluble salt
9. Alloy
10. Rate of reaction
11. Alcohol, Carboxylic acid, Ester, Rubber
12. Redox - Experiment
13. Thermochemistry - Calculation
14. Soap, detergent, Medicine
* Baca semua nota dan latihan yang telah buat sebelum ini. Buku rujukkan tidak banyak membantu pada waktu kritikal ini.


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