Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hot Hot Hot Topics SPM Chemistry 2010!!!

Paper 2:
1. *Structure of atom

2. *Haber, Contact, Soap Vs Detergent

3. *Carbon Compound: Dehyration, estrification, polymerisation,  
      empirical formulae, alkane vs alkene

4. *REDOX: U-tube, transfer of electron, displacement, memorise 
      the oxidising agent, reduxing agent, half equation, observation 
      and result

5. **Rusting of iron: Experiment, observation, result, explain: More 
        electropositive prevent rusting of iron, less electropositive 
        rusting the iron

6. Electrolysis:, electroplating, type of electrode

7. *Peridic table: explain the position, G17 with Fe, G1 with oxygen

8. **Rate of reaction

9. **Thermochemistry: draw / explain energy profile diagram, 

10. ***Ionic vs covalent compound - Essay

11. Prepare the standard solution

12. Preparation of soluble / insoluble salt:carbonate / sulphate salt

13. *Experiment Potential difference of two metal in ECS

Paper 3:
1. ***Heat of combustion

2. ***Rate of reaction: Catalyst / Temperature

3. **Rusting of iron

4. Type of electrode

5. Electricity condcutivity of ionic vs covalent compound

6. Potential difference in ECS


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