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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Redox , Neutralisation

Rate of Reaction: Compare and Explain!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Electron Arrangement

Chemical Bond, Electrolysis!

*** Dehydration and Esterification!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Some hot topics again!!!

Here is some hot topic!!!!
Just take as a guide line to study and revision chemistry!

Take from:

Emprical Formula!!!

Electrolytic cell Vs Chemical Cell

Friday, November 19, 2010


Voltaic cell: Potential Difference

***** Heat of Combustion: Paper 3 Question 1

Heat Of Combustion: Experiment!

Acid and Base: pH values!

  1. Stydy the reactivity of G17.
  2. Study the experiment of G17 with Ferum.
  3. Electronegativity mean how easy the element recieve electron and become anion (with ' - ' charge)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Structure: Construct ECS based on potential difference

- Zn is higher position in ECS.
- Zn is more electro positive.
- Zn is easier to release the electron become cation.
- Electron will move from negative (-)terminal to POSITIVE (+) terminal
- The distance between two metals in ECS incerease, the potential difference increase. 

Essay: Physical Properties of Ionic Vs Covalent!!

Paper 3: Rusting of Iron!!!

  1. Problem statement: How does the types of metals will affect the rusting of iron?
  2. Hypothesis: The more electropositive metal will prevent the rusting of iron, while the less electropositive metal will rusting the iron.
  3. Memorise the material (types of metals and solution) and apparatus (test tube, test tube holder).
  4. The step of experiment: Clean --> Coil --> Pour --> Few days --> Record observation.

Paper 3: Rate of Reaction - Catalyst - SUPER HOT TOPIC!

- Remember, the manganese (IV) oxide is catalyst!
- use GLOWING wooden splinter
- do the experiment separately
- measure the material before the experiment
- must state unit / volume / mass / concentration

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hot Hot Hot Topics SPM Chemistry 2010!!!

Paper 2:
1. *Structure of atom

2. *Haber, Contact, Soap Vs Detergent

3. *Carbon Compound: Dehyration, estrification, polymerisation,  
      empirical formulae, alkane vs alkene

4. *REDOX: U-tube, transfer of electron, displacement, memorise 
      the oxidising agent, reduxing agent, half equation, observation 
      and result

5. **Rusting of iron: Experiment, observation, result, explain: More 
        electropositive prevent rusting of iron, less electropositive 
        rusting the iron

6. Electrolysis:, electroplating, type of electrode

7. *Peridic table: explain the position, G17 with Fe, G1 with oxygen

8. **Rate of reaction

9. **Thermochemistry: draw / explain energy profile diagram, 

10. ***Ionic vs covalent compound - Essay

11. Prepare the standard solution

12. Preparation of soluble / insoluble salt:carbonate / sulphate salt

13. *Experiment Potential difference of two metal in ECS

Paper 3:
1. ***Heat of combustion

2. ***Rate of reaction: Catalyst / Temperature

3. **Rusting of iron

4. Type of electrode

5. Electricity condcutivity of ionic vs covalent compound

6. Potential difference in ECS

Chem SPM 2010: Physical Properties of Ionic Vs Covalent

Chem SPM 2010: Type of electrode (Paper 3)

Essay: Ionic & Covalent Bondm - SUPER HOT TOPIC!!

Chem SPM 2010: Ionic and Covalent Compound

Chem SPM 2010: Rusting of Iron

- Metal place HIGHER in ECS is more electropostive
- When the more electropositive metal in contact with iron 
  nail (Ferum, Fe), the metal will PREVENT the rusting of 
- Examples: K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, .....

* Metal placer LOWER in ECS is less electropositive
* When the less electropositive metal in contact with iron nail 
  (Ferum, Fe), the metal will cause the RUSTING of iron.
* Examples: Cu, Ag, Au